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tnctl convert revision

tnctl convert revision

Used to convert revision back to terraform


Provides the ability to convert configurations and cloudresources back into terraform modules.

Note, if you include --include-provider or --include-checkov, this command will use the current kubeconfig context to retrieve the provider and checkov policy from the cluster.

Convert a configuration in the cluster into a terraform module: $ tnctl convert configuration -n my-namespace my-configuration

Convert a configuration file into a terraform module: $ tnctl convert configuration -f my-configuration.yaml

Convert a cloudresource in the cluster into a terraform module: $ tnctl convert cloudresource -n my-namespace my-cloudresource

tnctl convert revision [OPTIONS] [NAME|--file PATH] [flags]


  -f, --file string         The path to the file containing the revision
-h, --help help for revision
--include-checkov Include checkov in the output (default true)
--include-provider Include provider in the output (default true)
--include-terraform Include terraform in the output (default true)
-n, --namespace string The namespace of the revision
-p, --path string The path to write the files to (default ".")

Options inherited from parent commands

      --config string   Path to the configuration file (default "HOME/.tnctl.yaml")
--verbose Enable verbose logging