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tnctl describe cloudresource

tnctl describe cloudresource

Used to describe the current state of the resources


Retrieves the definition and current state of one or more of the terraform configurations, displaying in a human friendly format. The command also extracts any integration details which have been produced by infracosts or checkov scans.

Describe a configuration in a namespace $ tnctl describe configuration -n apps NAME

Describe a cloudresource in a namespace $ tnctl describe cloudresource -n apps NAME

tnctl describe cloudresource [OPTIONS] NAME [flags]


  -h, --help                 help for cloudresource
-n, --namespace string Namespace of the resource/s (default "default")
--show-passed-checks Indicates we should show passed checks (default true)

Options inherited from parent commands

      --config string   Path to the configuration file (default "HOME/.tnctl.yaml")
--verbose Enable verbose logging


  • tnctl describe - Used to describe the current state of the configuration