Using Private Repositories
If the repository containing the terraform module is private and requires credentials to retrieve, you can add the authentication details to a secret held within the namespace.
Using SSH Authentication
Let's assume we have a terraform module hosted in a private Github repository. Here's how to add authentication details:
Create an SSH deployment key for the repository with the ability to clone.
Create a Kubernetes secret in the namespace containing the SSH private key.
$ kubectl -n apps create secret generic ssh --from-file=SSH_AUTH_KEY=id.rsa
Update the Terraform module configuration resource, setting the [NAME]
to the name of the secret:spec:
name: ssh -
Reference a git repository as the module source
module: git::ssh://<TAG|BRANCH|COMMIT>
If you need to extract a specific folder within the repository the syntax git::ssh://<TAG|BRANCH|COMMIT>
Using HTTP Authentication
Similar to the above, create a Kubernetes secret like so
- Create a Kubernetes secret containing the username and password
$ kubectl -n app create secret generic httpauth --from-literal=GIT_USERNAME=USERNAME --from-literal=GIT_PASSWORD=PASSWORD
Update the Configuration to include the authentication reference
name: httpauth -
Reference the terraform module using http
Using Token Authentication
Use the same process as above, creating a Kubernetes secret TOKEN
What sources are supported?
We use the same library as Terraform, go-getter that supports:
- Git
- Mercurial
- Amazon S3
- Google GCP
For full details, see