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Using Private Repositories

In the event that the repository housing the Terraform module is private and necessitates authentication for access, it is possible to integrate the authentication credentials into a secret located within the namespace.

Using SSH Authentication

Assuming a scenario where a Terraform module is hosted in a private Github repository, the following steps outline the process of adding authentication details:

  1. Generate an SSH deployment key for the repository, granting it the ability to clone.

  2. Create a Kubernetes secret within the namespace, housing the SSH private key.

    $ kubectl -n apps create secret generic ssh --from-file=SSH_AUTH_KEY=id.rsa
  3. Update the Terraform module configuration resource, specifying the [NAME] as the name of the secret:

    name: ssh
  4. Reference a git repository as the module source

    module: git::ssh://<TAG|BRANCH|COMMIT>

In case there is a need to extract a specific folder within the repository, the syntax git::ssh://<TAG|BRANCH|COMMIT> can be utilized.

Using HTTP Authentication

To utilize HTTP authentication for a private repository, follow these steps:

  1. Create a Kubernetes secret containing the username and password:
$ kubectl -n app create secret generic httpauth --from-literal=GIT_USERNAME=USERNAME --from-literal=GIT_PASSWORD=PASSWORD
  1. Update the Configuration to include the authentication reference:

    name: httpauth
  2. Reference the Terraform module using HTTP:


Using Token Authentication

Use the same process as above, creating a Kubernetes secret containing TOKEN.

What sources are supported?

Our platform leverages the same library as Terraform, specifically go-getter, which provides support for the following source types:

  • Git
  • Mercurial
  • HTTP
  • Amazon S3
  • Google GCP

For a comprehensive overview of the supported sources, please refer to the go-getter documentation.