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Quick start


While all actions can be performed via kubectl, Terranetes comes bundled with a CLI tool to make operations quicker. You can find the download on releases

Before we begin, you'll need the following tools:

The quickest way to get up and running is via the Helm chart (see chart):

$ helm repo add appvia
$ helm repo update
$ kind create cluster
$ helm install -n terraform-system terranetes-controller appvia/terranetes-controller --create-namespace
$ kubectl -n terraform-system get pods

Configure credentials

Next, we configure some cloud credentials to run terraform with (see provider.yaml):


The following assumes you are using static cloud credentials. See the docs for managed pod identity.

$ kubectl -n terraform-system create secret generic aws \
--from-literal=AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=<ID> \
$ kubectl apply -f
$ kubectl get provider -o yaml

See Configure Credentials for more details.

Configure a Revision


The following example uses a pre-baked Revision, however, for tips on generating Revisions please go here

Retrieve a demo revision that creates an S3 bucket (see revision.yaml).


Next, lets create a Revision for the resource.

# View the contains of the revision for the s3 bucket
$ cat revision.yaml # demo for provisioning an s3 bucket

# Apply the revision
$ kubectl apply -f revision.yaml
$ kubectl get revision

# We should have a plan from the new revision
$ kubectl get plan

Provision a Cloud Resource

Lets retrieve the cloud resource example from here


You can also run tnctl create cloudresource to generate a CloudResource CRD from a Revision

Lets create a namespace, and consume the revision.

# Create the namespace
$ kubectl create namespace apps

# Ensure you change any 'CHANGE_ME' variables in the example
$ vim cloudresource.yaml

# Create the cloudresource
$ kubectl -n apps apply -f cloudresource.yaml
$ kubectl -n apps get po

# Straight away a job is created to 'watch' the terraform workflow
$ kubectl -n apps logs -f <POD_ID>

You can use the tnctl logs cloudresource --namespace apps bucket --follow to find and watch the logs from a build, instead of kubectl commands.

Approve the plan

By default, unless the spec.enableAutoApproval is true, all changes must be approved before acting on. An annotation is used to approve the previous plan.


If you are using the tnctl cli, you can approve changes via tnctl approve cloudresource --namespace apps bucket

kubectl -n apps annotate cloudresources bucket ""=true --overwrite

Another kubernetes job will be created to watch the execution of the terraform apply, you can view the logs via kubectl -n apps get po | grep apply, get the pod name and tail the logs kubectl -n apps logs -f <NAME>.


The actual terraform execution does not occur in the apps namespace, users simply have the ability to watch the output of the run. The job and the credentials never leave the platform teams namespace terraform-system

View the the CloudResource below.

$ kubectl -n apps get
bucket bucket v0.0.1 test bucket-7v8jp Not Enabled None InSync 2m7s

# View the kubernetes secrets containing the outputs
$ kubectl -n apps get secret test -o yaml

For a complete summary of CloudResources click here.

Deleting the terraform resources

You can delete the cloud resource like any other Kubernetes resource

kubectl -n apps delete cloudresource bucket --wait=false

Tailing the logs from the watcher will allow you to view the execution.

POD_NAME=$(kubectl -n apps get pods -l --no-headers | cut -d' ' -f1)
kubectl -n apps logs ${POD_NAME} -f

Or via tnctl

tnctl logs cloudresource -n apps bucket -f