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Terranetes CLI

Terranetes comes bundled with a tnctl command (see Releases for downloads) which has ability to search for cloud resources. The search subcommand supports iterating through

Once one or more sources have been configured you can search for cloud resources via

tnctl search [TERMS]

Looking for a database module on aws.

$ tnctl search database
? What cloud provider should we scope the search to? aws
? Which resource do you want to provision?
[TF] terraform-aws-modules/dms
[TF] babbel/secretsmanager-for-database-url
[TF] terraform-aws-modules/dms
[TF] connect-group/rds-finalsnapshot
[TF] azavea/postgresql-rds
[TF] franviera92/aurora
[TF] bridgecrewio/secured-postgresql-rds
[TF] felipefrizzo/rds-mysql
[TF] felipefrizzo/rds-postgres
[TF] devops4me/postgres-rds
[TF] jessiehernandez/autorotated-database-credentials
[TF] mnanchev/database-migration-service
[TF] aleks-fofanov/rds-lambda-db-provisioner
[TF] jessiehernandez/database-credentials-rotator
[TF] offensive-terraform/rds-snapshot-publicly-exposed

Name: dms
Namespace: terraform-aws-modules
Created: 2022-06-23 17:41:50.716218 +0000 UTC
Downloads: 16436

Terraform module which creates AWS DMS (Database Migration Service) resources

Next you will be prompted to choose the

  • Tagged version
  • Asked for any required inputs (i.e. names, storages size and so forth)

The final piece will render a Configuration CRD ready to be consumed in your deployment pipeline.

Adding Sources

You can add a source to the tnctl command via tnctl config sources command. For example to add

Adding your Github organization

tnctl config sources add

If any of the terraform modules are in private repositories you must export your Github token via export GITHUB_TOKEN=TOKEN

Adding the Terraform Registry

You can add the Terraform registry via

tnctl config sources add

Alternately you can scope the registry to a specific namespace

tnctl config sources add

You can add as many sources are you needs. The search will aggregate the results and present it findings as one.

Integrate with Kubectl

You can integrate tnctl with Kubectl i.e. kubectl tnctl COMMAND.


Kubectl can recognize plugins based on the name. Lets assume you place an executable script in your $PATH named kubectl-hello-world. This script can be called via $ kubectl hello world. All the tnctl kubectl plugin does it create an collection of these alias scripts i.e kubectl-tnctl-describe, kubectl-tnctl-logs and so forth in the desired location.

  1. Run the tnctl kubectl plugin -d DIRECTORY command. The directory here is the location of where the alias scripts should be located.
  2. Ensure the alias scripts are included in your environment $PATH
  3. Ensure the tnctl is included in your environment $PATH.
  4. You can now use kubectl directory (note tab completion is configured via kubectl, please review their docs).

Watching Logs

When a Configuration is run a pod is created in the namespace used to watch the logs. You can perform the

  1. Retrieve the pods via kubectl get pods
  2. Find the appropriate pod based on the Configuration name and generation.
  3. Watch the logs via kubectl logs NAME -f

A faster alternative is to use the [logs](/terranetes-controller/cli/tnctl_logs]

  1. Type tnctl logs -n NAMESPACE NAME [-f--follow]
  2. If the kubectl plugin integration has been enabled, you can use kubectl tnctl logs [-n NAMESPACE] NAME [-f|--follow]
$ tnctl logs [cloudresource|configuration] -n apps bucket -f
[info] waiting for the job to be scheduled
[info] watching build: bucket, generation: 1 for the job to be scheduled
time="2022-08-09T09:59:37Z" level=info msg="downloading the assets" dest=/data source=""
time="2022-08-09T09:59:38Z" level=info msg="successfully downloaded the source" source=""
time="2022-08-09T09:59:38Z" level=info msg="successfully executed the step"

Initializing the backend...

Successfully configured the backend "kubernetes"! Terraform will automatically
use this backend unless the backend configuration changes.

Describing Configurations

You can the use

  1. tnctl describe [cloudresource|configuration] -n NAMESPACE [NAME]
  2. kubectl tnctl describe [cloudresource|configuration] [-n NAMESPACE] [NAME]

to provide insight into costs and policy.

[jest@starfury terranetes-controller]$ bin/tnctl describe [cloudresource|configuration] -n apps bucket
Name: bucket
Namespace: apps
Created: 2022-08-09T09:59:28Z
Status: OutOfSync
Annotations: false
Labels: None

Name Reason Message
Provider ready Ready Provider ready
Terraform Plan Ready Terraform plan is complete
Security Policy ActionRequired Configuration has failed security policy, refusing to continue
Terraform Apply ActionRequired Waiting for terraform apply annotation to be set to true
Ready NotDetermined

Authentication: None
Provider: aws
Secret: apps/test

Checkov Security Policy:
Status: Configuration has passed 11 and failed on 3 checks.

├─ Name: Ensure the S3 bucket has access logging enabled
├─ Resource: aws_s3_bucket.this[0]
└─ Guide:
├─ Name: Ensure that S3 bucket has cross-region replication enabled
├─ Resource: aws_s3_bucket.this[0]
└─ Guide: